Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Unforgettable Moment

Hello again friends, I very miss you. Okay, today I will expost my unforgettable moment, this is one of my task in  school, but i want to tell you too. Let's check it!!

Unforgettable Moment:
Unforgettable moment for me, when I was 13 years old. I have incident in my house. Actually, I don’t want to tell you about this story cause it happened once in my life.
On Sunday morning, I cleaned the house with both my sister. After  cleaned the house, my mom wanted me to moved her file from laptop to her flashdisk. After I cut the files to flashdisk, suddenly the file didn’t appear from the list. I called my mom. She looked confused when she know her files was loose. In that time, I felt sleepy, and wanted to sleep. And then, I backed slowly closer to the bed and dropped my body on the bed. At the same time, I think I have slept soundly on the bed but my mom was shocked  when she heard thud from me and I’ve been lying on the floor with gear teeth biting and convulsions. And then my mom shouted my name, slipping a spoon between my teeth were docked until I awaked. After I awaked, I was lied on the bed and given a glass of water. In front of me, there was my mother, my both sister, my father, and sister of my mother with worried face. And then, my mom said I must  take a nap for a while.
In the evening, after I woke up from a nap, my neck was ache and can’t be moved like paralytic, I cried, but my mom calmed me and tell everything that happened before. And my mom apologized to me cause she shouldn’t left her children on holiday for work. I felt sad to heard her words that I cried and continued my mother too.
Okay, I think that’s enough about my unforgettable moment. Thanks for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Ohh that's my bad unforgettable moment, even I can still remember it now. Okay, i think that's enough for today. Thanks to readers. But, don't forget to like + comment on my blog, your comments, criticisms and suggestions you guys really helped me

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