Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Report Text

Okay guys, this is my first posting after few years non actived. Today I will give you example of short report text about obesity
Chek it out..

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Okay friends, in this morning I want to tell you about “How to Stop Obesity?”. But before it, we must know the definision of obesity, Obesity is a medical condition in form excess fat body. It may have a negative effect on health. And obesity can happen to everyone, from children, adolescents, adults, and elderly
Ø Causes of  Obesity consist by :
1. Eat snack too much
2. Eat junk food too much
3. Seldom to exercise
4. Psychiatric illness or stress
5. Irregular eating patterns
6. Excessive dieting

Obesity can lead of various diseases, especially heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, asthma, But don’t worry if you hear that, cause I have some solution How to Stop Obesity for you.
1. Don’t eat too much which contains carbohydrate, fat, etc.
2. Don’t eat junk food
3. Eat healthy food like vegetables and fruits
4. Consume food and drink in less sugar
5. Much drinking water
6. Exercise regularly
7. And last keep your body health

Okay, I hope this information is useful to you. I think that’s enough.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

All right, finished!! Thanks to readers who read my blog. Comments, criticisms and suggestions are very useful for me. See You Again Guys

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