Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

EXCLUSIVE : Quotes from Me

1)      You can get more if you can do more. You can do more if you can think more. So you can get what you want if you try hard –UK-
2)      Waiting for u isn’t a matter for me,, but don’t too long –UK-
3)      Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination –Unknwn-
4)      Some people are worth melting for – Olaf-
5)      Jadikan hari ini hari yang cerah. Bukan matahari yang menjadikan cerah, tetapi mata hati tiap manusialah yang menjadikannya cerah –Anies Baswedan-
6)      You is one word that always in my mind –UK-
7)      Without a desk, maybe our wings will never form until now – Anonymous-
8)      Pendidikanmu  adalah bagian kecil yang terbesar dalam sejarah hidupmu – UK-
9)      I’M A LOT COOLER
10)   We can’t to be perfect, but we’re trying it –UK-

11)   Seni itu bukan dilihat, akan tetapi dirasakan. Sama seperti perasaan bukan dari parasnya, namun dari hatinya

Quotes of Friends

1.       Friendship is not about whom you have known the longest; it’s about who came and never left your side
2.       Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you..
3.       Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to ekplain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything
4.       Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier
5.       True friends naver say goodbye to you, but they simply say “See You Soon”
6.       Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship
7.       Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together
8.       A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. – William Shakespeare
9.       I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better. – Plutarch
10.   A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling. – Arthur Brisbane
11.   Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
12.   Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit
13.   Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks
14.   A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
15.   Friends may change but the memories last forever


Assalamu'alaikum Warhmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hari ini Ayyu ingin menceritakan suatu perjalanan mengunjungi salah satu pabrik minuman yang terkenal di Indonesia, PT. SINAR SOSRO, ya terkenal dengan teh botolnya. Berikut hasil kunjungan yang Ayyu dapatkan saat mengunjungi pabrik PT. SIANR SOSRO


Pada Kamis, 3 April 2014, kami pelajar yang mengikuti Pengembangan Diri Karya Ilmiah Remaja dan Olimpiade IPA mengunjungi pabrik PT. Sinar Sosro yang berada di Kabupaten Banyuasin KM. 15, Sumatera Selatan. Kami berangkat pada pukul 12.50 WIB.

Setiba di pabrik PT. Sinar Sosro, kami langsung disuguhkan minuman yang diproduksi oleh pabrik tersebut, seperti Teh Botol, Fruit Tea dan TEBS. Setelah minum sepuasnya, kami dan mahasiswa dari Universitas Sriwijaya yang berkunjung juga kepabrik PT. Sinar Sosro dipersilahkan masuk ke aula PT. Sinar Sosro. Didalam aula, Kak Rani sebagai moderator memperkenalkan diri dan menjelaskan sejarah singkat pabrik Sosro. Setelah itu, kami beristirahat sekitar pukul 13.05 untuk makan siang yang telah disediakan dan shalat dzuhur.

Setelah makan siang dan shalat dzuhur, kami kembali ke aula pada pukul 13.40 dan dilanjutkan dengan pemutaran 2 video sejarah pabrik Sosro. Pada pukul 14.15, kami mengunjungi pabrik Sosro untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan teh, sebelum mengunjungi pabrik, kami dipersilahkan untuk memakai topi pabrik Sosro.

Saat didalam pabrik, Kak Rani sebagai pemandu kami menjelaskan, Tahap pertama yaitu, pemisahan botol & kotak kosong.

Tahap kedua yaitu, botol yang telah dipisahkan dengan kotaknya dimasukkan mesin pencuci, botol akan direndam dengan suhu 50 derajat, setelah itu dicuci dengan suhu 80 – 90 derajat, lalu dibilas sampai bersih.

Tahap ketiga, Filler and Crowner, yaitu pengisian teh secara steril dan ditutup sehingga udara luar tidak masuk.

Tahap keempat, dilakukan tes benda asing (light inspection).

Tahap kelima, dijalankan menuju Jet Printer Video, botol tersebut dicetak dengan kode produksi dan juga tanggal kadaluarsa.

Tahap keenam, menempatkan dalam kotak/krat, botol tersebut dimasukan lagi kedalam kotak kosong dan dibiarkan selama 3 hari sebelum dijual.

Tahap ketujuh, Uji Kontrol, produk tersebut harus dijual secara fisik, kimia, microbiologi, dan organoleptik. Secara fisik dilihat dari kemasan. Secara kimia dilihat dari kadar gula dan Ph. Secara microbiologi meneliti tentang perkembangan micro-organisme. Secara Organoleptik mengecek warna dan kejernihan produk. Jika produk tidak memenuhi syarat – syarat tertentu maka produk tersebut akan dibuang dan diolah kembali.

Tahap kedelapan, Setelah lulus uji control produk dijual dan didistribusikan ketoko - toko.
            Sebelum meninggalkan pabrik, kami foto bersama didalam pabrik untuk kenang-kenangan.

Setelah foto bersama, kami diajak Kak Rani menuju dapur produksi yang berada di sebelah pabrik proses produksi. Di sana kami melihat beberapa bahan baku pembuatan Teh Botol Sosro, seperti daun the kering yang telah dicampur dengan bunga melati, gula pasir, air yang didapat dari ke dalaman 150 meter.
Setelah daridapur, kami menuju halaman belakang pabrik, tepatnya tempat pengolahan limbah sisa hasil pengolahan teh. Di sana terdapat tempat pengolahan limbah cair, air limbah yang telah diolah dijadikan untuk mengisi kolam ikan, menyiram tanaman, di belakang tempat pengolahan limbah cair tersebut, terdapat kolam ikan yang airnya berasal dari limbah cair yang telah di olah, di dekatnya terdapat juga kebun yang berisi tanaman Jati, Jagung dan Ubi Jalar yang disirami dengan limbah cair yang telah diolah sebelumnya dan tanaman tersebut memakai pupuk kompos dari limbah padat yang berasal dari ampas teh yang kering dan tak terpakai lagi.

Dan hasil kebun tersebut hanya di perjualbelikan kepada karyawan pabrik dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau dan ekonomis dibandingkan harga di luar.

Setelah berkeliling pabrik 1/2 jam. Kami kembali ke aula pada pukul15.00 WIB. Saat kami kembali, kami disuguhkan kembali dengan minuman yang menggiurkan. Tidak lama dari itu, hujan pun turun, kemudian kami dipersilahkan masukke aula kembali.
Di dalam aula, kami beristirahat sejenak sambil menunggu kakak mahasiswa Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) yang sedang kehujanan saat mengelilingi pabrik. Akhirnya kakak mahasiswa itu pun datang. Setelah mereka beristirahat sejenak. Acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya-jawab. Ada beberapa pertanyaan dalam sesi ini. Salah satunya, Pertanyaan 1 “Apakah bias limbah cair yang telah diolah dijadikan sebagai air minum?" dan jawabannya “Sebenarnya bias saja dijadikan air minum, namun pemerintah menganjurkan untuk membuangnya karena persediaan air masih terbilang cukup” Selanjutnya, Pertanyaan 2 “Pabrik PT. Sinar Sosro menghasilkan berapa produk” dan jawabnnya “Sejauh ini, kami baru menghasilkan 1 produk yaitu, Teh Botol Sosro dalam bentuk botol kaca. Jika produk lain dikirim dari pabrik pusat di Bekasi. Pertanyaan 3 “Pernakah PT. Sinar Sosro mengalami kerusakan teknis?” dan jawabannya “Sejauh ini, belum pernah mengalami kesalahan teknis, karena kami selalu memeriksa mesin-mesin sebelum terjadinya kerusakan. Jika 1 menit saja mesin tersebut berhenti, kami akan rugi 600 botol atau sekitar Rp 600.000,-“

Setelah sesi tanya-jawab, mahasiswa UNSRI memberikan cinderamata atau penghargaan untuk PT. Sinar Sosro. Inilah beberapa penghargaan yang dimiliki PT. Sinar Sosro :


Hasil Produksi
Produk yang telah diproduksi oleh PT Sinar Sosro antara lain Teh Botol Sosro, Teh Celup Sosro, Joy Green Tea, Fruit Tea, Happy Jus, Country Choice (Jus Buah), TEBS, S-Tee, dan Prim-A (Air Mineral)

PT. Sinar Sosro hanya memiliki sekitar 90 lebih pegawai.PT. Sinar Sosro menghasilkan 48.000 liter teh/per hari. Namun, pabrik PT. Sinar Sosro Banyuasin merupakan pabrik produksi dan bottling untuk 1 jenis produk, yaitu Teh Botol Sosro.
Dari hasil laporan ini di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita perlu menghargai dan menggunakan produk-produk asli Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kualitas SDM indonesia

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas rahmat dan karunia-Nya karena kami diberi kemudahan dalam menyusun laporan ini. Yang pertama, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Guru pembimbing kami Ma’am Adhis Sherly, S.Pd. dan Miss Ragil Mery Yaniska,S.Pd. yang telah membimbing kami membuat laporan ini dan teman-teman yang telah membantu kami, serta bagi pembaca laporan ini.

Terima kasih kepada para pembaca blog Ayyu. Semoga bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Pantengin terus ya blog Ayyu. Jangan lupa untuk like + comment. Komentar, kritik dan saran kalian sangat membantu Ayyu. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Recount Text - Bedroom Renovation

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Night all...!! This night I will tell you about my story few years ago when i was in Junior High School. This is my story,please read.

Holiday is something great that I ever heard. I can go to my other family's house in Java or visit other city except Palembang.

I had 13 days for holiday, my sisters and i planed to Belitung, but my mom couldn't came with us because her office worked overtime on December. We were very sad to heard that. So, we couldn't spend our holiday in Belitung. But my sisters and I looked for other good idea to spent our holiday in house. On Wednesday, we decided to paint our bedroom all at once. The next day, my father and I went to hardware store to bought some cans of paint, it was blue sky color and pink colour, we also bought brush and tinner. After that we backed home, my father opened the top of the paint can, he gave tinner into the can, and I stir the paint slowly until the paint mix perfectly. Next, my father started painted our bedroom. In my bedroom there are 4 sides to filled with 2 colours. We filled 2 sides with blue sky colour and the other 2 sides filled with pink colour. It was about 3 days to finished painting our bedroom.

Now, our bedroom looks like beautiful with gradation blue sky and pink. My sisters and I are really happy with new atmosphere in our bedroom. In fact, I don't feel so sad while I was on holiday

Thank for readers. May be useful for readers. Don't forget to like + comment. Your comments, criticisms and suggestions you guys really helped me.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

One Direction - Steal My Girl Chord Guitar

(G  C) 2x

She be my queen
Since we were 
We want the same things,
We dream the same dreams,
Alright (alright)

I got it all
'Cause she is the one
Her mum 
calls me love,
Her dad calls me son,
Alright (alright)

Am                          C
I know, I know, I know for sure

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole 
wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Na na na na na na (Oh, yeah)
Na na na na na na (Alright)
Na na na na na na
C             D
Na na, she belongs to me

Kisses like cream,
Her walk is so mean
And every jaw drop
When she's in those jeans,
Alright (alright)

I don't exist
If I don't have her
The sun doesn't shine,
The world doesn't turn,
Alright (alright)

     Am                        C
I know, I know, I know for sure

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Na na na na na na (Oh, yeah)
Na na na na na na (Alright)
Na na na na na na
C                    D
Na na na na na na

She knows, she knows
That I never let her down before
She knows, she knows
                     C                               D
That I'm never gonna let another take her 
love from me now

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
C                                      D
Find another one 'cause she belongs to me

Na na na na na na (Oh, yeah, alright, yeah)
Na na na na na na (Alright)
Na na na na na na
C                D
Na na, she belongs to me

Na na na na na na (Oh, yeah)(She belongs to me, yeah)
Na na na na na na (Alright)
Na na na na na na
C               D          G
She belongs to me 

One Direction - 18 Chord Guitar

Intro : C Am F C

        C                 Am
I got a heart and I got a soul
  F                     C
Believe me I will use them both

We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
      F                     C
Baby, I don’t want to feel alone

   G               F            G                   F
So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
  G                 F   
AA chord long way from the playground

C              F                 Am    G
I have loved you since we were 18 -18,18-
C              F                          Am 
Long before we both thought the same thing  -same thing-
      G                   C
To be loved, to be in love
          F                    Am                    G             C
All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you, oho-oho
        F            Am       
I wanna love like you made me feel
G              C
When we were 18

We took a chance
God knows we tried
    F                         C
Yet all along, I knew we’d be fine

So pour me a drink, oh love
                Am                          F
Let’s split the night wide open and we’ll see everything we can
Live in love and slow motion, motion, motion

   G              F            G                  F
So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
  G                 F      
AA chord long way from the playground

C                F                 Am    G
I have loved you since we were 18 -18,18-
C             F                          Am    
Long before we both thought the same thing  -same thing-
      G                 C
To be loved, to be in love
          F                  Am                  G               C
All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you, oho-oho
        F            Am         
I wanna love like you made me feel
G              C  F  C
When we were 18
G              Am F
When we were 18
   C             G
Oh lord, when we were 18

   Am              F            G                  F
So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks
  G                 F     
AA chord long way from the playground

Am               F             C
I have loved you since we were 18 
Am             F                          C
Long before we both thought the same thing 
      G                   C
To be loved, to be in love
          F                  Am                   G              C
All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you, oho-oho
        F           Am     
I wanna love like you made me feel
G              C
When we were 18
        F             Am       
I wanna love like you made me feel
G              C
When we were 18
        F             Am         
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18

One Direction - More Than This Chord Guitar

C           G
I'm broken, do you hear me
F            Am           G
I'm blinded, cause you're everything I see
C            G
I'm dancing, alone
F            Am                        G
I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door,
my eye turns to face the floor,
F                             G (one stroke)
Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

         C                                 G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this - yeah
         C                              G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this
                         C (one stroke)
Can't love you more than this

C           G   
I'm louder, would you see me
F                   Am             G
Would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me?
C             G
Cause we are, the same
F             Am                G
You saved me, when you leave it scarred again

And then I see you on the street
In his arms, I get weak
F                       G (one stroke)
My body feels I'm on my knees - praying

         C                                 G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this - yeah
         C                              G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this

Bm                            G
I've never had the words to say
But now I'm asking you to stay
For a little while inside my arms
Bm                            G
And as you close your eyes tonight
I pray that you will see the light
                           A (one stroke)
That's shining from the stars above

         C                                 G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this - yeah
         C                              G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this
(cause I can't love you more than this)

         C                              G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this - yeah

         C                                 G
When he opened his arms and hold you close tonight,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just won't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this - yeah
         C                              G
When he lays you down I might just die inside,
                          Dm            Am                  G
it just don't feel right, cause I can't love you more than this
                           C (one stroke)

Can't love you more than this.